Know the Facts with the most up-to-date medical information written by Benjamin Goldberg Foundation’s medical advisor, Dr. Sheetal Ajmani.

From Vision to Reality: Advancing Social Prescribing in Hampton Roads and Beyond
We just wrapped up our 2nd annual Healing Arts in Medicine Conference. Our theme this year, “The Wave of Social Prescribing,” centered around an initiative that we are passionate about bringing to Hampton Roads. Social prescribing is an approach that connects patients with non-medical interventions, such as arts, music, and community activities, to improve well-being by addressing social determinants of health. This approach offers a framework for making the healing arts more accessible through integrating it into healthcare referral pathways so that the arts become a natural extension of a patient’s treatment plan.

Arts-Based Interventions for Health Promotion Amidst Trauma and Challenges
Arts-based interventions have the power to foster healing, build resilience, and support communities facing challenges. In this article, we’ll examine insights from two key projects conducted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections from the grassroots Create Hope Mural campaign in Canada and findings from a systematic literature review on arts-based interventions published in Frontiers in Psychology. These projects highlight the pivotal role that the arts can play in community health promotion and psychophysiological processing of traumatic events.

Food Pharmacies: Insights For Arts Prescriptions
As we continue our efforts to bring Social Prescribing to Hampton Roads, particularly as it relates to Healing Arts Prescriptions, we find it valuable to examine existing initiatives that are already addressing social determinants of health. Social Prescribing is an approach where healthcare providers recommend non-clinical interventions, such as art or cultural engagements, to address social and environmental factors that impact health. One example of this is food pharmacies, which involve the use of food prescriptions to improve health outcomes. In this article, we’ll explore lessons from food pharmacy programs in the United States to inform our efforts in creating Arts Prescriptions tailored to our community.
Food prescriptions are recommendations written by healthcare providers to prescribe specific foods as a treatment for chronic conditions. These prescriptions are then filled through vouchers, food pantries, farmers’ markets, or mobile food vendors at little to no cost to participants. Food pharmacy programs address food insecurity and improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables, thereby targeting key social determinants of health including food deserts, economic instability, and medically underserved areas.

Bridging Health and Art: A Recap of Hampton Roads’ First Social Prescribing Convening
The first-ever Social Prescribing Roundtable Convening in Hampton Roads was a landmark event, bringing together over 30 leaders from healthcare systems, community organizations, foundations, artists, healing arts therapists, and physicians. This invite-only gathering aimed to unite key stakeholders in advancing the health and well-being of our community through arts-based prescriptions.
The event opened with a warm welcome from Wendy Goldberg, President & Founder of the Benjamin Goldberg Foundation (BGF). Dr. Sheetal Ajmani, BGF’s Medical Advisor, followed with a presentation on social prescribing, its origins, and its potential to address social determinants of health. Dr. Ajmani shared the powerful statistic that 20% of general practitioner visits in the UK were for non-medical, social causes. When social prescribing was piloted there, these visits were reduced by 53%. Today, over 30 countries have adopted some form of social prescribing.

Mapping the Active Ingredients of Arts in Health Activities: The INNATE Framework
The purpose of this study, which was published in the May 2022 issue of Wellcome Open Research, was to identify the active ingredients of arts in health activities to create a shared language, framework, and toolkit. This framework has the potential to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of arts in health activities, making them more consistent and evidence-based.
There is currently no consensus on what constitutes an arts in health program or which components contribute to its effectiveness in achieving health outcomes. Because these programs are multifaceted, evaluating and standardizing them can be challenging. Establishing a consensus and framework among experts is crucial to advancing the field and delivering evidence-based care to patients and communities. While this study did not explore the mechanisms of action or establish causal relationships, it mapped core components of arts in health programs.

The Friendship Bench: An Innovative Approach To Mental Health
In the field of mental health, innovative approaches that adapt to cultural contexts and local needs are crucial. One such initiative, the Friendship Bench, has shown promising results in supporting rural Zimbabwean women struggling with depression and anxiety. A pilot study published in Global Mental Health in July 2021 explored this intervention among a group of mothers in rural Zimbabwe.
The Friendship Bench is a brief psychological intervention delivered by trained lay health workers through individual problem-solving therapy (PST). This approach equips participants with a step-by-step method to address life challenges, involving identifying and defining a problem, understanding its nature, and generating and implementing solutions. This culturally adapted therapy is particularly relevant in settings where access to professional mental health services is limited.

Social Prescribing: Establishing the First Expert Consensus Definition and Implementation Guidelines
In June 2023, BMJ Open published a landmark study that aimed to establish a formal, internationally accepted definition for social prescribing. This study represents a significant milestone in the effort to bridge the gap between clinical and non-clinical supports and services, providing a more holistic approach to health and well-being of individuals and communities.
Conducted over three rounds of an online survey between April and September 2022, the study involved 48 expert participants from 26 countries. Participants were English-speaking individuals with an average of five years of involvement in social prescribing, including researchers, students, healthcare providers, and patients. The culmination of their input is the Common Understanding of Social Prescribing (CUSP) framework.
The CUSP framework provides a comprehensive definition of social prescribing as a holistic, person-centered, and community-based approach that addresses health and well-being by bridging clinical and non-clinical supports. It is designed to mitigate the impacts of adverse social determinants of health and health inequities.

Screening for Social Determinants of Health In Pediatric Settings
Social determinants of health (SDoH) are the social and environmental factors that impact health and well-being. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) outline the 5 domains of SDoH to be: economic stability, health care access & quality, education access & quality, neighborhoods & built environment, and social & community context. We know that multiple factors within each of these domains impact a significant proportion of health outcomes.
In last month’s “Know The Facts” article Social Connection: The Missing Piece in Addressing Social Determinants of Health, we talked about the social factors that influence health & well-being, and the ways that social prescribing can address this important, yet often overlooked, domain of SDoH.
Today, we’re diving deeper into the findings of 3 published studies looking at the implementation of and provider perspectives on SDoH screening tools within pediatric settings.

Social Connection: The Missing Piece in Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Discussions in the public health sector often center around tangible factors like access to quality healthcare, education, and economic stability. Yet, a crucial aspect that tends to be overlooked is social connection. Research underscores the significance of social ties in shaping health outcomes, with studies suggesting that 40% to 80% of health and wellness can be attributed to social factors.
In fact, studies reveal that individuals with robust social connection have higher odds of survival, while those lacking social connections face an increased risk of premature death from all causes.

Social Prescribing in US: A Pilot Program Demonstrates Positive Outcomes for Patients, Providers, and Community Organizations
Culture Rx is a revolutionary social prescribing program in the United States. Adapted from a healthcare model currently being used in many countries around the world to bring community-based services to address the health and well-being needs of individuals, Culture Rx is the first program of its type to launch in the U.S. An article summarizing the results of this pilot program was first published in the January 2023 issue of Frontiers in Public Health.

Exploring Spirituality Well-Being in Pediatric Cancer Patients
There’s no doubt that a diagnosis of pediatric cancer is life-altering to a child and their family. As children and families adjust to a “new normal” of frequent doctor’s appointments, chemotherapy, radiation, IV sticks and blood draws. Despite the rigorous treatment regimens, survival is not guaranteed. This can lead children and their families down a path of existential questions and spiritual distress as they seek ways to cope with the unforeseen.
Spiritual distress in this context is described as a lack of inner peace and connectedness, grief, the inability to find acceptance, lost sense of meaning in life, or hope for the future. In today’s article, we explore 2 studies that delved into the role of spirituality in the care of pediatric cancer patients and their families.

Enhancing Nurse Job Satisfaction and Patient Care Through Arts Programming
Building on last month’s article, where we discussed how stress and burnout are prevalent concerns within the healthcare workforce, particularly among nursing staff, it is paramount that we explore innovative ways to improve job satisfaction among nurses. While in last month’s article, we explored an arts intervention completed in Lithuania with largely positive results, today we will explore a qualitative study, published in Arts and Health in 2015, that sheds light on the transformative effects of arts and music programming within a short-term stay med-surg unit in the United States.

Impact of Arts for Health on Nursing Staff Well-Being
The well-being of nursing staff is a critical factor not only for their personal satisfaction but also for the quality of patient care, staff retention, and overall productivity. Two studies reviewed in this article shed light on the challenges faced by nursing staff and a potential intervention to promote their well-being.

Exploring the Impact of Expressive and Narrative Writing on Parent-Caregivers
The journey of parenting a child facing a life-threatening illness is a profound emotional challenge that extends beyond the initial diagnosis timeframe. Often it is when families are discharged home from the hospital setting that parents are most vulnerable to the emotional toll and coping with the trauma of caring for a child with cancer or other life-threatening illness. Two recent studies, each employing distinct writing interventions, offer valuable insights into the nuanced experiences of parent-caregivers navigating these complexities. In this article, we explore the potential of expressive writing and narrative e-writing on the well-being of parent-caregivers.

Enhancing Quality of Life for Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients: A Multicomponent Intervention Study in India.
A recent study conducted in India, published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in September 2021, explored the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on the quality of life of family caregivers of cancer patients. The study focused on caregivers of individuals with advanced-stage breast, head, and neck cancer undergoing treatment.

Yoga as Complementary Therapy for Managing Type 2 Diabetes: What Do the Studies Say?
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Its management is essential to reduce longstanding complications including retinopathy and nephropathy. Additionally, we know that poor glycemic control is directly related to increased relative risk of cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality. In recent years, complementary therapies have gained attention as potential strategies to help manage T2DM. We will explore two review articles, published in 2018 and 2022 respectively, that explore the benefits of yoga practice as an adjunct to conventional management of T2DM.

Play and Art Therapy for Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic condition that is predominantly diagnosed in childhood and requires lifelong insulin therapy. Managing this condition can be challenging – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Recent research has shed light on the positive impact of non-pharmacological therapeutic modalities, such as play and art therapy, on children with T1DM with regards to understanding their diagnosis and compliance with treatment. In this article, we delve into a literature review published in the Irish Journal of Medical Science in 2022, which explored these effects. This review considered 11 papers, with four focusing on play therapy and three on art therapy, all of which provided valuable insights into how these therapies can improve the lives of children living with T1DM.

Singing During Pregnancy Enhances Maternal Well-being and Mother-Infant Bonding
In a study published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2021, researchers examined the effects of music and singing during pregnancy on maternal well-being and mother-infant bonding. The study involved 172 pregnant women randomly assigned to one of three groups: a control group, a passive music listening group, or an active singing group. Data collection included standardized questionnaires assessing perceived closeness to the baby, depression, and anxiety symptoms, conducted at the study's outset at 30 and again at 36 weeks of gestation. Salivary samples were collected before and after the first intervention session to measure cortisol, alpha-amylase, and oxytocin levels.

How Listening to Music Influences Human microRNA Expression: Insights from a Finnish Study
A study conducted in Finland, titled "Music-listening regulates human microRNA expression," published in Epigenetics in 2021, explored the impact of music on microRNA expression in the human body. MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that modulate gene expression by binding to specific messenger RNA (mRNA) sequences. They can then either increase (upregulate) or decrease (downregulate) the expression of their target protei

Massage and Reiki for Symptom Relief in Hospital Patients
Massage and Reiki for Symptom Relief in Hospitalized Patients
Massage and reiki are two widely used complementary therapies. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of massage and reiki for symptom relief in patients, primarily within the hospital setting. But, first, let’s take a closer look at what massage therapy and reiki are and the premise behind these practices.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), massage therapy involves manipulating the body's soft tissues to promote wellness, alleviate pain, or help manage specific health conditions. This is not a new practice. In fact, massage therapy has been used for centuries as a modality to ease pain. There are many different forms of massage, including Swedish, sports, Shiatsu, and Tuina.