Peace Out Portal
Let the healing begin with free (and easy) access to Music, Art, Movement, and Mind|Body resources for children, caregivers
and healthcare professionals.
The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself.
A health practice that combines mental focus, controlled breathing, and body movements to help relax the body and mind.
Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
portal story
Music didn’t change the outcome, but it changed the story.
Benjamin Goldberg was five years old when he was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that affects children. Throughout his years of treatment, music was Ben’s retreat. He could endure unimaginable experiences, quietly reaching for his signature headphones and calming his world through music.
Inspired by how Ben lived, Wendy Goldberg founded the Benjamin Goldberg Foundation (BGF). BGF brings healing arts to children, their families, and caregivers with opportunities for creative engagement and expression through the arts that support health, healing and well-being.
One of the ways we accomplish that is right here on the Peace Out Portal. A one-stop shop, online resource that provides ways for a patient, caregiver or healthcare worker to incorporate the healing arts into a healthcare setting or on their medical journey.
The Benjamin Goldberg Foundation’s mission is to inspire and empower children, caregiver, and communities through education, integrative programming, and advocacy of the healing arts..
Insights on the Healing Journey with Wendy Goldberg, Founder of the Benjamin Goldberg Foundation.